Eighteen community projects have submitted successful Community Investment Funding (CIF) applications to the South Copeland GDF Community Partnership so far this year, with grants from £650 to £225,000 assisting projects such as wellbeing and addiction programmes, youth clubs, and community facilities.
Groups, public sector organisations and businesses in South Copeland with a project that benefits the local community are encouraged to apply for CIF.
Up to million per annum is provided by the Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) developer, Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), to fund projects in South Copeland as the area takes part in the nationwide search for a suitable site to build a GDF.
A total of £805k has been allocated in this funding year, meaning grants are still available for applications made by Monday 6 November 2023.
The grants can be used to fund projects, schemes or initiatives that provide economic opportunities, enhance the natural and built environment, or improve community wellbeing within the Search Area.

Muncaster Castle parkrun received £4,000 to establish itself
Grants Manager, Helen Conway, said: “It’s been wonderful to see the positive impact this funding is having in South Copeland, and you can read more about the recipients to date on the Community Partnership website.
“We’re still taking applications for 2023, so I would encourage anyone with a project that could benefit the local community to come forward.
“Do get in touch with me before you apply as we want you to have the best chance of putting in a successful application.
“We can talk over the phone, meet in person or arrange an online meeting, where I can help you ensure your bid is thorough, with all the supporting evidence you need.”

Inspira received £13,614 towards a school careers programme
A GDF requires both a suitable site and a willing community. It would also require consent from regulators including the Office for Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency. If a suitable site is found in South Copeland – a process which could take 10-15 years – a Test of Public Support would give people in the potential host community a direct say over whether the project goes ahead.
Deep geology beyond the coast is currently being considered for siting the underground elements of a GDF. This means a surface facility on, or near, the coast would provide access to a disposal area deep in rock beyond the coast.
South Copeland is one of three Search Areas currently taking part in the siting process for a GDF. Mid Copeland in Cumbria and Theddlethorpe in Lincolnshire are the others.
To find out more about CIF and apply, visit the South Copeland GDF Community Partnership website: Community Investment Funding – South Copeland GDF Community Partnership (workinginpartnership.org.uk).
Grants Manager, Helen Conway, can be contacted by email: Helen.Conway@nuclearwasteservices.uk